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April 08, 2006


veq dashta me ju kallxu qe mos tlodhet kurkush mu shty me GETIN(tingulli 3nt) aa mos tju ni tu ma permen naj kun tjeter per kta ska as unikkatil as sen hiq

mir e ka qyky nalt qe paska fol skom qa foli ma shum njejtin menim e kom edhe un

"Shum seni o ka dridhet e po sillet shum qika hey njery qfar konge po don me m'rra pika"a ka nKOSOV ma tFoRt se kta be veq lodhni badihava e keni:P

sna takon neve me fol ma shum per getin dihet ni getoar osht

ma tdort se ju ska perveq bess.1ck

Ski qA fOl pEr GETIN vet fakti fol

GETI osht ma i miri krejt boten veq kisha dasht me jav qit ni kong UNIKKATILIT se shum po fryhen ata be me ju kallxu kush osht GETI edhe SHQIPTART

GETI osht ma i miri krejt boten veq kisha dasht me jav qit ni kong UNIKKATILIT se shum po fryhen ata be me ju kallxu kush osht GETI edhe SHQIPTART

per GETIN nuk muj me fol eq se me pelqejn gjitha konget e tij mirpo kur te folmi per UNIKATTILIN duheni me u ndal pak se RREBELI osht ma i forti per kong ju lutem te keni rrespekt per grupin ma te fort ne bot nUNIKATTIL FOREVER

hey pe pershendes prej zemre ciket nalt shka ka shkrujt edhe po ju tham se me UNIKKATIL skaaaa bre far geti te hamamit a aj osht kinxh per at kejt dallash qergash mes folni kec se aj ju prn si DASH a po merni vesh REBEL UNIKKATIL 4ever mos u n prekni ku spreket

BRAVO shqiptar be me UNIKKATIL ska lypin me ja qi familen, po shqipart nuk e kshyrin qa thojn n kong se din qe po ja shajn familen po veq ajt qashtu me "UNIKKATIL SKA"se e ka zonin e mir sja kshyr shqiptari textin qa thot nto se din qe po ja shan krejt familen

Haver mfal qe pot thom veq as ti kerkah skoke hiq...geti osht i mir amo Rebeli osht tjeter muhabet....e sa per texte tij ngoje mir 1her qe pot citoj diqka:''pe shoh ni nan qe po kan se djali i saj vdiq vllau e vran vllan e spo merzitet hiq e mori Kosov qa na gjeti jem tranu nuk osht kjo hera par qe shqiptari o egersu gjithmon ishim bashk ja vdekje ja liri e njekem at turqi man fund edhe kta shki po per qfar arsye per mu bo sikur ata mytem ndermjet veti nvense mu kap krah per krah u bo boll mo me vrasje....''ma mer menja qe osht boll...1 send po du me ju thon tonve nuk osht qe ska edhe rebeli gabime se gjethkush nket bot ka gabime,ska tpa gabushem veq apet se apet e ka ndru repin shqip per 360 shkall...qaq prej meje

ta qi familen o geti UNIKKATILI ta qin familen

ta qi familen o geti UNIKKATILI ta qin familen

krejt e krejt nuk kisha dasht ma shum mu bo bashk GETI me Memlin (Ritmi rruges me Tingullin 3)dhe me ja qit nji keng unikkatilit dhe me shti me fol me vetveten si asht tu fol. kjo esht deshira ime per ju,

ebe be nonen pu ku nkar jan kan rebeli unikkatili para do vjeteve Lypsa ne rruget e prishtines hahah e qetash kan shku azilanta e nuk guxojn mu kthy ne kosov se HYSENI ja qi robt i kall i pren i masakron per se gjalli , Muslimanet 4ever

mas pari ju pershendes kejt juve qi kini mem sha flm shum e qka po ma boni kit getoar zot getoari ashtu getoari kshtu getoari jav jept njog. getoari osht bira e funit e repit shqiptar ma mir o kan me ba rep qysh duhet e me shku me ba spota me prostituta
edhe per rep i kini "kaos, nr ,unikatili " tjert se din as qka knojn ?
ishmi a

hahahahaha deka.. pe paramendoj ket tingullin tu e dridh bothen ahhahahahahahahhaha ewww sa keq koka ama shum hot je a :p offf baby

mos e kruni bythen me shipe se jena shum te kqi hajt tung shqipe

hej njerez me kaos edhe nr nuk ka po shuni

shum te fort edhe kta po apet kta kan dal mas unikkatilin aaa nejse edhe kta shum tmir po apet ska me unikkatilin a ladyyy

aaaaaaalalalla ta boft zoti bre getoo shum i trrent je ma i trrenti pi trrentve po shum vlla pom dokesh nelt en qit kong po chilejta hiq spom pelqen ma shum ish shku kjo kong me noren he he he

i pershendes shqiptart ku do qe jan ne bot.. vllazni krejt i kam ndegju reperat shqiptar teri sa dul qyky unikkatil nenqimi, ska bre vlla si me tekste si me muzik i kalli krejt, qfar tekste ka unikkatili geti as ne pidh te nanes vet sun i gjan veq kumedit nashta ka kapercy rrebeli atyhit a getti haha, ma me ja qi nanen sun i ngoj tjert repera.. nony-geneva

shume i trent a? qfar femna qajo me böeth hehe

Ev jav qift nanen Repi qdo shqiptari ne bot qe i ndegjon keta diskriminus te popullit te ton. Deri dje jav kam qi nanen jeni mbshef mbas kuleve te nanes e tash kishe une po bej rep. More njerz te prapa mbetur ne qfar pasqyrje po e shikoni veten qe po ju doket vetja si zezakt. Si nuk po ju vjen marre more keni harrue traditen shqiptare.

valla bre njerz nuk e di se qka po mendoni veq se ne shqiptaret kemi maru na ka mar e liga nuk e di se qka po mendojm nqoft se muzika e rregullon ni shtet ne shqiptaret te paret kemi me rregullu se kto sene qka i ban getuarie unikatili ata i bajn krejt per interesa personale e ne bajm perqarje mes veti jo aj ma i mir se ky tjetri

ky tingulli i karit si mu kon peder veq per botha po qet sene.Po cfare te krahasuni kto me rrebelin pash at famili.Rrebeli o pidh none per krejt qita kilifincat.Ky tingulli so kerrkah hiq po i bon do spota te karit qe jon pa moti edhe ni fare stili si coolio i karit.Ka mbet mrapa pasha familen.

UNIKKATILI osht ma i FORTI ti qifsha tingullin e karit edhe hysenin kerkush nuk din me ba kang ma te mira se UNIKKATI motrat krejtve ja hangsha

zdi qa po boni ju o njerz me at unikatil qi veq fol fol fol e ne fund svepron ai klloshar osht shkon atje ne amerik shan se me kon qitu ne kosov zoni sju kish ni se me fol e me shajt shko ne studioe bon kongen sahora se sa per filozofi kena boll' vepra o shoq ne dit sodit alltin ne goj edhe u kty e jo em me thone e mos me realizu kshtu e kan ata qi zdin qa don me thon rap kush thot qi unikatili osht i mir ai ska lidhje me rap. balat e ngojn unikatilin


Ik mer qiuni ne byth ju fansat e t3. getoarin po e shan unikkatili po ja qin motren dhe ai ska byth me ju pergjigj. apo jo. ku iku krenaria? unikkatili perdit tu ja rrepin bajat ai as qe e con koken.

po ju mer shkerdhata qe shani rrebelin pse thoni qe t3 asht me i mir? a i ka muzikat e vjedhuna? ca karin doni>

kush i ka textet ma tbukra unikkatili apo t3. ska dyshim unikkatili pse flisni kot ju vec katunare e maloke jeni .


qka dini more ju per rap kejt qata qi pe permenin getokarin jon dhivqa edhe sdin qa me ngu se ata jon pedera per shqiptari veq nji emer permendet -----------BIMMBIMA------

video shum a bukur dhe sexy

i love the song but the video actually disappointed me... i would have thougth that chili would have worn better clothes...and the video was all in all quite simple, but it works..
i dont understand all the words in the song at all, but i¨ve been asking my boyfriend what they mean..

ti tingulli i karit qe sguxon mi ja sha nonen unikkatili ta ongt ai tënden ok ska me REBEL A.K.A UNIKKATIL BRE NDAQ PER RAP NDASH PER HIP HOP NDASH PE ME QI NONA JA QIN JUVE KRETJVE OK JA QIFSHA AT NON TINGULLI 3

ja qifsha nonen tingulli i karit je ti qifsha pederin po qesish keng veq pe beth ta qifsha pederin ropt ne pill ok nga defrim a.k.a unikkatil

ja qi familje juve tingulli 3 ok

ej popull a dini qka asht repi....mir veq deshta me ju tregu se tash e mas nuk ban me ba be ne zotin por ne unikkatil rebel..numer 1
hahhahahhahah qfar tingulli i karit.
[ni tingull ne vesh te sorres orkester ne vesh te shqipes...kaq për fillim tung tung

ejjjjj tingulli i karit a ki pa ndonjeher dokumentar per majmuna shiko mir e i she se ngjajshem me ta gati si ata ama buzt origjinal e kali pse se len muziken se nuk a ka te shkon pse nuk shkon se nuk ka më fjal per me fol ...[the bloody alboz]
nr1 maje ne menden deri sa te vdekish ne aksident te rrufes

Oh shipeca na mytet me muzika te mutit, e me koolera sic po thojn ne kosov. Ku kari ke ni shqiptari me ba rap, a di se ti e qet veten ne poziten ma te ult ne bot kur ja nis me ba muzik rap edhe kur e quan veten gansta. For blacks that's okay because they live in balck hoods, but for albanians dressed with nice clothes and talking about being all that gansta and hard, where the fuck where u guys when the war started u motherfuckers, hiding under granny's kule. Come guys are pathetic...

just look at this fucking hilarious shit and tell me what a disgrace this is for all the albanians out there. Stop Rapping guys.

hej njerz unikatilit jav qifsha daden edhe mos te harrojn se dje ja kan nis me knu e tIngULLi 3NT asht qeter sen be daj ma te fortiti i ka pshurr unikatilin me qet albumin e fundit a jav ka qi daden

valla boll te mir jan krejt si unikatlia si t 3nt e si kaosat
mu um pelqejn bol te fort jon

qija be nanen qytyneve unikatilave boll njerz zdrala jon as geti i mir sosht veq me dallu pak pi ktyneve bon diqka se krejt kongt qe i ka te pederave qysh tha parzit njani

Me NEHAT sen zihet kerkush ej osht rapperi ma i mir STOLZER ALBANER

ju qifsha motrat qysh akri keni menu me shpetu qysh kari keni menu me unikkatilin me luftu a ropt ja qifsha o geti ta qifsha none edhe elvana gjata ta qifsha ok se po knon me juve ok tung shkoni qinu me dallandyshe ok se skini bole te mdhaja per unikkatilin ok edhe kofse i kini te mdhaja unikkatili ja pkut bolet ---> Mother fucker ahahahahhahahhaha

hej..ju njerz qi sdini qa o repi sdi qa folni ktu se kush e kupton repin e din kush osht ma i miri...kuptohet...rebel a.k.a unikkatil ky osht per neve si 2pacu per amerikan Me qit kongen nrrot somes i ka kallxu getit se qysh repovatet T.B.A...4rever kurr ma t'mire ska me pas

tung kush po ma shan rrebelin bre kush osht aj pidh nane e po thoni geti kshtu geti ashtu me kan i mir e mos me kan tuc ja kish kthy rrebelit disat qi ja ka qit ani kishe ja ka qit 1dis po qfar disi aj ku sguxon as emrin Unikatil me permen po ku karin guxon mu shty aj me rrebelin e kur ta shihni qit spotin qi osht tu e qit Unikkatili bashk me T.B.A e shihni qka osht spoti e jo me shku mi marr do kurva te shipnis e mi qit atu>>>edhe mos ma permeni qit getin mo se po ja iqi nonen ne dhip

hi Tingulli3 how are you mother fucker >qka akr po menon mujsh mu shty me unikkatin ahahhahahahahhah ec mar shko Nroot Somes e han edhe 1 tshane pillin e nanes kqyri punt e tua lei unikkatilat reat se krejt kto këng e tu u banen bajat fucker sister and complete family ahahhahah mos ju a kari se ky osht veq filimi hi tingulli i karit AHAHHAHAH

me falni amatera (unikopila)se per juve u meshil dera .veq desha me than se tingulli i 3 jav qin krejteve qytyne unikopilave,gjithashtu geti ki mbeshtetje nga pimi dhe niki,edhe ni mesazh per juve unikopila,nanen renve,we love you baba records.unikopi- katil nanenja...............

Anonymous said...
me falni amatera (unikopila)se per juve u meshil dera .veq desha me than se tingulli i 3 jav qin krejteve qytyne unikopilave,gjithashtu geti ki mbeshtetje nga pimi dhe niki,edhe ni mesazh per juve unikopila,nanen renve,we love you baba records.unikopi- katil nanenja...............

Monday, 27 November, 2006

hallall tkoft a shume palidhje e ki bo spotin amo kanga osht shume e fort

Ej o pedera pe tju qij nonen o fmi ku e dinu ju kush osht nona e repit shkon e me fryheni me at tingull pidh, unikkitili ja qin nonen per rep e per sene qera

Tung tingulli 3 shum t´fort jeni po
si Etno Engjujt kur nuk muni mu bah se genci veq vet ju han juve tyve
me falni po raliteti usht ralitet hahahahahahaha

tingulli 3 si jeni ma t´fort jeni kam deshir me ja qi nanen unikatilit se shum po fryhet

he more pidha pritni se tash vjen rebeli edhe jav qi nanen krejtve, kush more pot thot qe unikkatili sguxon mu kthy nkosov pritne veres edhe krejtve ka mi jav qi nanen o bulasha me rebelin ska e kurr ska me pas mos u shitni trimi pa u kan. Hajt se rebeli dot vje.. pritne.......

Ju spaskni lidhje...
me dit qysh osht puna skishit fol shum

Po mir folni qka doni
se sBon pa u dissirat :)

Veq po ju thom se Viki't si han qka folni e menoni per to aj veq ju kesh e se lodh kryt per do kritika t'dhipave...:)

Edhe spo thom qi kta tjert jon t'kqi a veq po Ju kallzoj mos menoni keq A KOFSHIT KA ANA Enverit dihet..!!!

Sunnyhill #1 TBA

Ju spaskni lidhje...
me dit qysh osht puna skishit fol shum

Po mir folni qka doni
se sBon pa u dissirat :)

Veq po ju thom se Viki't si han qka folni per to aj veq ju kesh e se lodh kryt per do kritika ...:)

Edhe spo thom qi kta tjert jon t'kqi a veq po Ju kallzoj mos menoni keq a kofshit ka ana Enverit dihet..!!!

Sunnyhill #1 TBA

Ju spaskni lidhje...
me dit qysh osht puna skishit fol shum

Po mir folni qka doni
se sBon pa u dissirat :)

Veq po ju thom se Viki't si han qka folni per to aj veq ju kesh e se lodh kryt per do kritika ...:)

Edhe spo thom qi kta tjert jon t'kqi a veq po Ju kallzoj mos menoni keq a kofshit ka ana Enverit dihet..!!!

Sunnyhill #1 TBA

ok, ppl. i hate zezak wanabes. Best regards for tingulli 3 por duhe te gjej nji rruge me tregu shqiptarin.

This page lists Internet video, audio and podcast interviews and stories that relate history to current events -- or history that politicians and pundits repeatedly allude to when commenting on current events. Also included: interviews with historians about new books. Prominent audio history sites include Talking History, NPR and BBC Radio 4. Week of 8-1-05 VJ DAY 60TH ANNIVERSARY August 7th 1945: In the 5th of the 12-part series "August 1945," marking the 60th anniversary of VJ Day, reporter Chris Lowe recalls events in Hiroshima -- and in Los Alamos, New Mexico -- the day after the Enola Gay dropped the first atom bomb. (BBC Radio 4, Broadcasting House, RealPlayer 3min) Hiroshima revisited: This weekend marks the 60th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, Japan at the end of World War II. Fiction writer Naomi Hirahara's parents were there. One parent talks about it and the other one thinks it's better to forget. Weekend America host Bill Radke talks with them about dealing with the past and their responsibility to future generations. (APM, Weekend America, RealAudio 11min) Diaries tell story of Japan's war at home: Relatively little attention has been paid to the diaries of ordinary Japanese people during World War II. Samuel Hideo Yamashita, a historian of modern Japan at Pomona College, tells Scott Simon about his book, Leaves from an Autumn of Emergencies. It translates the diaries of eight people who endured the war. (NPR, Weekend Edition Saturday, RealPlayer & Windows Media Player 11min) 60th anniversary of Hiroshima bomb comes at watershed time for Japan: The Japanese city of Hiroshima is marking the 60th anniversary of the atomic bombing of the city by a U.S. military aircraft in the closing days of World War II. More than 50,000 people attended a somber ceremony on Saturday, and, elsewhere in the city, international groups met to renew vows to eliminate all nuclear weapons. Thousands of elderly survivors of the bombing, joined by Japanese and foreign dignitaries, bowed their heads at 8:15 a.m. -- the exact moment of the attack -- offering silent prayers for world peace and for the souls of those who died in the atomic detonation. Those who addressed the crowd at the hypocenter of the atomic explosion repeated their annual vow of no more Hiroshimas. (Voice of America, RealPlayer 3min). Hiroshima today: Sandi Toksvig -- solicitor, novelist, traveller, raconteur -- discusses the 60th anniversary of one of the most notorious bombings in history, and its legacy on the vibrant modern Japanese city of Hiroshima. Her guests are Hiroko Kawanami, an anthropology lecturer in religious studies at Lancaster University, who visited Hiroshima just over 3 years ago; and BBC producer Stephen Walker, author of Shockwave: The Countdown to Hiroshima, in which he focuses on the three weeks that led up to the attack and on the stories of individuals, policymakers, diplomats, physicists, soldiers, airmen and residents of Hiroshima. (BBC Radio 4, Excess Baggage, RealPlayer 21min